Tuesday 20 October 2015

Assignment 2- working to a brief

One of the various types of brief within the industry would be a formal brief which specifies on the finalised product, this purpose would be to structure and organise the company's needs. This brief is structured a way that is clear and precise so that the company has a clear idea what they're doing. This allows the client to have a open idea of any issues raised by the company about the final product. On the other hand, this could be shown as a lack of information for the client which could have a chance of the finished product being not to the standards of the client mind set, this could also lead up to financial hazards which would be a problematic issues for both parties.

A informal brief would be a opposite layout towards the formal brief, this would be a more shortened verbal agreement which would be considered non-official.. This could shown through a variety of short and simple questions about doing a project to support somebody out. This makes it easier to understand from the other parties view. However this type of agreement would conflict confusion which the client and companies as to the actual job roles within the production process.

A contractual brief is a brief or contract where company's within the media industry is employed by the client to complete a project within the brief, which would set relevant guidelines which the media company must follow. This makes sure the company follows the guidelines to fit the clients need of the product, if not followed could lead to legal action. The advantage of contactual brief would be allowing the media company to have more knowledge of in depth guidelines to successfully produce a product without much negotiation. The disadvantage of this type of brief which would be if the media company discover any issues within the brief they would produce the product based by their own standards which would lead to a standard set by the client to either take legal action or degrade the media company's reputation due to not completing the set brief. An example:

Cooperative Brief is type of brief which use two or more companies who are competing for the project have any issues between them about the brief or have anything to clear up with the client. Then through that process they negotiate the brief for any changes in order to suite every party within the production process. This could from the changing the products appearance of the product to the content of the product but also keeping within the guidelines of the set brief. The advantage would be that the project has more variety of suggestions to change and improve the product from multiple perspectives. However, the disadvantages of this type of brief would be sometime becoming a waste of time due to unnecessary issues that are brought up which the clients feels like it doesn't need to be effected or changed which could delay the production process. Example:

Negotiated brief is where a media company is given a brief by the client that gave a outline to the product which they want to produce. This brief is very open and gives a funnelled amount of information to be able to create the product for any issues or information the media company which would go over through any discussions during the negotiations with the client. The client and company hired would formally agree to the brief however not always legally binding. The advantages of the brief would mean the client would be very with any ideas or issues concerning the project which makes the creative process of the product have more room for negotiation with the media company and the client. The disadvantage of this brief would be that the client wouldn't give enough information about the product which could lead to not completing the product within the clients standards. But also due to the brief sometimes not always legally binding which could apply problems within the project financially or even a breach within a contract.

As someone who would be working to a media company sector the important factor of working to a brief would be to keep within the guidelines to the client's brief so that you don't have any trouble of delaying the production of the product but also producing the product within a standard which could lead to the client to apply any legal action. The other way to work towards a clients brief within the media industry is to work with the client so that your updated for any necessary changes and improvements which both parties could benefit within both the production process but also the organisation to fit the selected timeline we are working around. However there are some situations where you are assigned by a client to work within a group which would make the media organisation set aside anything competition and work together to improve and suggest any ideas to relate to the production but still keep to the brief.

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